Friday, June 12, 2009

only u yourself can solve it...

it is more than 50 years already, but the dispute and war between the palestine and israel over jerusalem is getting worst. so many attempts and so many road maps have been attempted to.. but all has failed miserably. sadly the muslims still dont get it.

to muslims and palestine people, its not about the land but its more about religion. its as simple as that. its their holy land. Aqsa Mosque must be freed from the Jews control.

to israel, jerusalem is their holy and sacred land also. Moses found the land. They wont give it back to palestine at any cost. the land itself is their religion... giving up the land is like giving up their religion. Israel has always said "forget about it, you can get it over our dead bodies". the bloody wars in the past have confirmed this.

what i want to say is that, palestine muslims cant expect non-muslims to solve the complex issue of jerusalem and their holy land. what do they expect from non-muslims like US and Israel? US road map is an illusion to delay the inevitable. only muslims can solve it. they must be united and come together to defeat israel. so Hamas and Fatah must come together. All arabs states must come together. All muslims countries must come together. then they may have a chance against Israel. Salahuddin Al Ayubi did that once.

Back in Malaysia. Malay muslims cant expect non-Malays to solve their social economic problems. please stop complaining and stop blaming other races for your own problems and poverty. what do they expect from others? Obviously the NEP has failed because of them not others. UMNO cant deliver the NEP missions. dont argue just accept that simple fact.

Malay muslims must be united to solve their own problems. malay muslims are the majority but they are acting like a minority. They are acting like a supporting actor/actress in their own film production. what a stupid drama. UMNO and PAS must work together for the sake of Malay muslims and Malaysia generally.

UMNO must be sincere, and please stop acting like you are better and superior than PAS. PAS must stop acting that they are better muslim than UMNO. they should start to learn and respect each other. they did once but UMNO and PAS betrayed each other.

the truth is, muslims must change their attitude and mindset to be better than the non-muslims. and please dont ever hope and think the non-muslims will do that for you. it will never happen in this world.


Friday, June 05, 2009

apa ukuran sebenar ekonomi malaysia???

keadaan ekonomi di malaysia sekarang masih tidak menentu. Rakyat biasa mempunyai ukuran tersendiri dan unik untuk menilai samaada ekonomi negara dalam keadaan baik atau sebaliknya. Rakyat biasa tidak biasa dengan bursa saham, nilai mata wang dan import-export. Mereka menilai ekonomi dari sudut kos dan mutu kehidupan harian mereka. Jika mereka makin susah untuk hidup susah atau makin susah untuk hidup biasa, maka ekonomi adalah amat gawat.

Mereka sentiasa hairan dan bertanya di dalam benak atau fikiran mereka:-

1. kenapa harga minyak masih tidak turun;
2. kenapa harga beras dan gula masih tidak turun;
3. kenapa harga ayam dan daging masih tidak turun;
4. kenapa harga rokok makin naik;
5. kenapa harga kereta atau motosikal baru makin mahal;
6. kenapa susah nak dapat pinjaman dari bank;
7. kenapa susah nak dapat kerja yang gaji memuaskan;
8. kenapa harga ubat makin mahal;
9. kenapa graduan universiti masih menganggur;
10. kenapa harga bahan binaan makin mahal;
11. kenapa rasuah di sana sini;
12. kenapa banyak jenayah berlaku;
13. kenapa masih kena bayar yuran sekolah anak-anak;

maka rakyat sedang dan mungkin berfikir bahawa jawapan kepada persoalan diatas adalah:-

kerana ekonomi negara sedang gawat, kerana pemimpin negara tidak tahu menguruskan ekonomi, kerana duit rakyat tidak kembali kepada rakyat, kerana duit rakyat tiris entah kemana, kerana ada rasuah kuasa dan rasuah wang tanpa mempedulikan rakyat, kerana pemimpin tidak berjiwa rakyat.

maka ukuran sebenar seorang pemimpin dalam menguruskan ekonomi di peringkat pusat atau negeri adalah mutu hidup dan fikiran rakyat terhadap ekonomi...

sekian, harap maklum.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

another unnecessary by election

Firstly, happy new year 2009 to all.

So there is another by-election coming up this month. Now between UMNO and PAS. Both are malay dominant parties in west Malaysia especially in east coast. Both want to show that they are better than the other or which one is better for the malays interests. By chance the people of kuala terengganu has to decide that. May the best party win.

Of course UMNO wants to win it badly in order to show that it's still relevant and its power transition plan has been accepted by the malays. UMNO was badly beaten in Permatang Pauh and it can’t afford another bad thrashing from its nemesis.

PAS wants to win it badly in order to show that it’s still relevant in its Islamic struggle and that it has gaining more fire power after the last general election. They want to show that their governments in Kelantan and Kedah are well accepted by all, and their MB in Perak has the supports and blessing from all including the people in Kuala Terengganu.

From the numbers, this by election would not affect BN balance of power at federal level, if lost, BN will still be in control, however BN especially UMNO is contesting and fighting for its lost pride and moral. UMNO needs to boost its rating. In mainstream media, UMNO is arrogant as usual.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak can’t afford to lose this time as he wants to show that his coming into power is the best solution to all Malaysian. BN must win at all cost. Pak Lah wants to go in peace not in pieces. Pak Lah wants the rakyat to remember him in a good way, not the PM who lost a by election before he retired.

PAS needs to explain properly and wisely their relation or alliance with DAP, both are totally different in their objectives. PAS needs to explain its current stand on Hudud and Islamic State, lately these issues are not effectively championed by them anymore.

Anyway, here I would like to take this opportunity to wish good luck and good election to both UMNO and PAS, please stay away from vote buying and vote rigging. Please have a fair and clean election.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pak Lah, ISA, Islam Hadari & UMNO

Baru-baru ni kita menyambut ‘Hari Kemerdekaan’ pada 31 Ogos 2008 dengan tertib, meriah dan bersemangat, namun ada banyak pihak yang tidak bersetuju dengan sambutan tersebut yang dipanggil sebagai ‘Hari Kemerdekaan’, mereka berpendapat ia sepatutnya di panggil ‘Hari Kebangsaan’ agar rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak boleh bersama menyambutnya.

Bekas PM pertama kita iaitu Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj iaitu Bapa Kemerdekaan Malaysia telah memutuskan bahawa Hari Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan pada setiap 31 Ogos disambut sebagai ‘Hari Kebangsaan’ agar semua pihak dapat menyambutnya. Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak sememangnya tidak terlibat dengan Hari Kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957 kerana mereka masuk menyertai Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.

Saya berpendapat bahawa kerajaan Pak Lah tidak sensitif dengan isu ini dan tidak menhormati keputusan Tunku tersebut tanpa alasan yang munasabah.

ISA adalah suatu undang-undang yang dibuat oleh British untuk melawan komunis atau pengaruh komunis atau sesiapa sahaja yang menentang British. ISA dibuat dan digunapakai oleh British bermula pada tahun 1948 dan selepas Malaysia merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1957, kerajaan persekutuan seterusnya menjadikan ISA sebagai undang-undang rasmi pada 1960.

Secara kasarnya ISA memberi kuasa penuh kepada polis untuk menahan mana-mana orang yang dianggap sebagai ancaman kepada keselamatan negara selama 60 hari tanpa bicara. Seterusnya Menteri Dalam Negeri (Home Minister) diberi kuasa untuk menahan mana-mana orang yang dianggap sebagai ancaman kepada keselamatan negara selama 2 tahun tanpa bicara dan ianya boleh dilanjutkan jika perlu. Kuasa tersebut tidak boleh dikajisemula (judicial review) di Mahkamah.

Ada yang berpendapat bahawa ISA adalah perlu untuk menghalang komunis serta pengaruhnya atau menghalang mana-mana orang yang boleh mengancam keselamatan negara pada sekitaran tahun 50an hingga akhir 70an. Pasukan keselamatan iaitu polis dan askar pada masa dulu tidak secanggih sekarang dan mereka masih mengharapkan bantuan dan kepakaran daripada British. Oleh itu ISA diperlukan apabila mereka menemui jalan buntu dalam melawan ancaman negara.

Tetapi sejak komunis dan pengaruh komunis sudah tiada lagi, ramai berpendapat ISA tidak perlu dikekalkan serta digunakan. Pasukan polis dan askar pada masa ini adalah canggih sekali dan mereka mempunyai kepakaran dan sokongan untuk melakukan apa-apa siasatan yang perlu.

Pada masa dulu, mungkin dalam keadaan darurat, perang atau rusuhan kaum, ISA boleh digunapakai oleh kerajaan untuk mengawal keadaan dan keselamatan negara. Tetapi sekarang kita mempunyai undang-undang yang cukup dan sistem kehakiman yang teratur untuk menghadapapi apa-apa ancaman kepada negara. Tahanan tanpa bicara adalah jelas tidak menghormati kebijaksanaan dan keadilan Mahkamah atau Badan Kehakiman Negara ini.

Saya berpendapat bahawa ISA adalah undang-undang lapuk dan zalim, ia memberi kuasa penuh kepada Polis & Menteri untuk bertindak sebagai penahan, pendakwa dan hakim dalam masa yang sama. TAHANAN TANPA BICARA adalah sautu terma yang amat dahsyat dan ianya perlu dihapuskan dengan segera. Kerajaan mempunyai undang-undang yang cukup untuk menghadapi apa-apa ancaman keselamatan daripada dalam dan luar negara. Jika mengikut laporan media masa sekarang, ancaman pengganas dan pelampau agama adalah ancaman besar kepada mana-mana negera. Malaysia boleh menghadapinya.

Pak Lah mesti mengkajisemula dan mengubah ISA dengan serta merta jika beliau enggan menghapuskan ISA. Adalah menjadi persepsi masyarakat bahawa polis dan kerajaan hanya menggunakan ISA sebagai jalan singkat untuk menahan mana-mana musuh politik mereka walaupun tiada bukti kuat untuk menyokong penahanan tersebut. Ini adalah suatu salah gunakuasa yang dahsyat dan nyata. Islam Hadari dan ISA tidak mungkin bersatu di alam ini.

Saya berpendapat bahawa jika Pak Lah benar-benar serius dan jujur dengan konsep Islam Hadari yang diwar-warnya, maka beliau perlu mengubah atau menghapuskan ISA dengan segera tanpa syarat.

UMNO sekarang dilihat sebagai parti melayu yang sombong dan hanya sebagai pentas untuk menghalalkan cara mendapat kuasa dan wang negara. UMNO dahulu atau UMNO semangat 46 adalah berjuang untuk kepentingan orang melayu dan raja-raja melayu. Orang UMNO dahulu derma duit untuk parti, orang UMNO sekarang cari duit melalui parti. UMNO dah jadi suatu busines entiti melayu elit. Melayu miskin masih terbiar dan hanyut dibawa arus kos kehidupan yang melambung tinggi. Pimpinan UMNO hanya pentingkan projek daripada poket rakyat miskin.

Sebab itu UMNO takut kehilangan kuasa pusat kerana tanpa kuasa pusat, UMNO sekarang akan hancur dan hilang. Kuasa pusat adalah tabung UMNO sekarang. UMNO tahu tanpa kuasa dan wang, maka tiada sebab orang melayu nak menyokong mereka lagi kerana UMNO tidak mampu membeli sokongan orang melayu dengan wang dan kuasa.

Adalah suatu mitos dan fahaman sesat bahawa hanya UMNO sahaja yang boleh memerintah Malaysia, fahaman ini telah ditanam dan dipusing oleh UMNO melalui media perdana dan sistem pendidikan yang dikawalnya selama ini. Ajaran sesat ini telah berpuluh tahun ditanam di benak orang melayu.

Tetapi apabila kebenaran tiba, segala kebatilan akan hancur dan hilang. Majoriti orang Melayu sudah sedar dan faham, mereka lebih kritikal dan tidak takut kepada UMNO lagi. Sebab itu orang melayu mahu Pak Lah menyakinkan mereka bahawa Pak Lah boleh membawa kebaikan dan kemajuan kepada orang melayu khususnya dan rakyat Malaysia amnya. Sayangnya Pak Lah gagal menyakinkan orang melayu pada pilihanraya yang lalu.

Saya berpendapat untuk menyelamatkan UMNO, Pak Lah kena hapuskan rasuah di setiap peringkat, hapuskan kronisme dan nepotisme, pembaziran wang rakyat dan menkaji balik polisi kerajaan yang hanya menguntungkan segelintir syarikat kroni. UMNO kena pro orang miskin, pro orang cacat, pro orang asli, pro syarikat kecil, pro rakyat bawahan dan paling penting pro islam. Jangan takut dengan kritikan, rakyat ada dibelakang. Keadilan mesti menjadi teras UMNO. Hentikan politik fitnah, politik tomahan dan politik wang.

Saya percaya jika Pak Lah mengambil tindakan-tindakan diatas, maka sesiapa sahaja tidak dapat menghalang atau menjatuhkan kerajaannya termasuk Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Namun malangnya Pak Lah masih lagi tidur lena dan hanyut dibuai kuasa.......


Friday, July 25, 2008

Without Prejudice

Why Malaysian especially Muslims are so double-standard and hypocrite when it comes to their self interests. When Muslim guys want to marry more than one, they would simply say it’s their rights and Islam allows them to do so. They just simply invoke Islam to justify their act though they do not regularly pray and fast for Islam. Some of them do not even know how to read the Holy Quran properly and yet dare to practice polygamy.

When someone got sodomized, some Muslims want the accused and the victim to swear on the Holy Quran in the mosque. Are they forgetting that we have law and procedures to be followed? It’s a fact that not a single State Syariah Enactment that allow a person who is accused or charged with sodomy to swear on the Holy Quran.

Whether we like it or not, any sodomy accusation against any person must be properly investigated first, then if there is enough evidence, we charge the suspect in court of law and let the court decides whether he is guilty or not. We can’t simply call him and ask him to swear on the Holy Quran. It is wrong and not provided by Islam. Can you tell me a Hadith which allows us to do that. None.

What’s the point of having a police force, AG Chambers, court of law, prison and pardon board if any suspect could just swear on the Holy Quran and then be set free. Are you telling me that these suspects are innocent because they swear on the Holy Quran. At the rate we are thinking, no wonder this world is full of perception, suspicion and prejudice. No one cares to find the truth.

To me, if someone accuse you of a crime or defame you for something that you did not do or its totally untrue. You should categorically deny it and lodge a police report immediately. Then you sue that person for defamation. The burden is on them to prove that the accusation is true. I think the law is quite fair here.

In some cases, most Muslims are full of prejudice. If a young Muslim girl got pregnant out of wedlock, most Muslims would simply curse, shun and refuse to help the girl. They think that the girl has committed an unforgiven crime and she should be left to die. They think they are the prosecutor and the judge. Islam teaches us to help unfortunate people, to forgive them and to give them a fair chance. Even God say He shall pardon all sins except those who is syirik.(infidel)

No wonder most sanctuary, safe-house and shelter for pregnant young girls in Malaysia are managed by Christians or other non-muslim. So when these girls, who are naïve and fragile, eventually embrace Christianity or other religion, the Muslims just blame the girls again. What a shame…

May Allah guides us all.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pedoman Hidup

Sering kali apa yang diimpi atau diharapkan tidak menjadi kenyataan. Sebaliknya pelbagai dugaan menghampiri diri ketika saat kita hampir mencapai kejayaan. Berikut disiarkan sedikit panduan atau petua dalam menghadapi dugaan, kegelisahan dan kemurungan.

1. Kita selalu bertanya; “Kenapa aku sentiasa diuji?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan, “Kami telah beriman”, sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang dusta”.

(Surah Al-Ankabut 2-3)

2. Kita selalu bertanya; “Kenapa aku tak dapat apa yang aku idam-idamkan?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu pada hal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, pada hal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui”.

(Surah Al-Baqarah 216)

3. Kita selalu bertanya; “Kenapa ujian seberat ini?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya”.

(Surah Al-Baqarah 286)

4. Kita selalu bertanya; “Kenapa rasa kecewa?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, pada hal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang beriman.”

(Surah Al-Imran 139)

5. Kita selalu bertanya; “Bagaimana aku akan menghadapinya?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Wahai orang-orang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)”.

(Surah Al-Imran 200)

6. Kita selalu bertanya; “Bagaimana cara aku menghadapinya?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk”.

(Surah Al-Baqarah 45)

7. Kita selalu bertanya; “Apa yang aku dapat daripada semua ini?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli daripada orang-orang mukmin, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga kepada mereka…”

(Surah Al-Taubah 111)

8. Kita selalu bertanya; “Kepada siapa aku berharap?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain daripadanya. Hanya kepadanya aku bertawakkal”

(Surah Al-Taubah 129)

9. Kita selalu berkata ; “Aku tidak boleh tahan @ Aku tak berdaya lagi?

Al-Quran menjawab, “Dan janganlah kamu berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah melainkan kaum kafir”.

(Surah Yusuf 12)

Allahu akbar, allahu akbar, walilah ilham.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

DS Anwar -vs- DS Najib, my perception...

Currently there are high powered dramas going on in our mainstream national politics. There are so many allegations, so many scandals, so many denials, so many police reports and SDs. The truth is not important anymore but the public perception matters. The maxim “innocent until proven guilty” is lost somewhere and no one cares to find it.

I think I don’t need to say much about it as our cyberspace is full of juicy details already. Even some people are fed up and refuse to take part in the debate anymore as there are many other things to talk about than dirty national politics.

However, this is my perception. The dirty war between DS Najib and DS Anwar, whose gonna win eventually. Obviously both their enemies and adversaries will be the winner.

Pak Lah is also the winner and Tun Mahathir could be the loser as deep down in his heart, Tun Mahathir still hopes that DS Najib will replace Pak Lah as PM soonest possible. But because of the current development, the succession plan or the transition power from Pak Lah to DS Najib will be put on hold or maybe KIV for good.

Pak Lah could win politically as both DS Najib and DS Anwar reputation and credibility are gone until legally cleared by the court of law. Pak Lah shall remain the Prime Minister for the next 10 years and Khairy Jamaluddin will take over after that. Maybe its sound silly, but hey! in politics anything could happen. So the real and ultimate winner is Khairy Jamaluddin.

To those readers who still have not heard the details about the DS Najib and DS Anwar Ibrahim, I reproduce herein the facts of them both:-

DS Mohd Najid Tun Razak

Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak (born July 23, 1953, in Kuala Lipis, Pahang) is a Malaysian politician, who has been the country's Deputy Prime Minister since January 7, 2004. Najib is a member of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), and is currently the Deputy President of the party.

Dato' Sri Mohd Najib is the eldest son of Tun Abdul Razak, the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, and a nephew of Tun Hussein Onn, the third PM. He was first elected to the Dewan Rakyat, representing the parliamentary constituency of Pekan, at the age of 23 in an uncontested election after the death of his father. In his career, Najib has held a variety of ministerial portfolios (the first at the age of 32), culminating in the post of Minister of Defence before being chosen as the deputy PM by Abdullah Badawi. Najib holds the title of Orang Kaya Inderapura of Pahang. His wife is Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor with whom he has three sons, Nizar (born 1978), Nazifuddin and Norashman, and two daughters, Puteri Norlisa and Nooryana Narjawa.

Najib had his primary and secondary education at St. John's Institution, Kuala Lumpur. He also attended Malvern College, Worcestershire, England and subsequently attended the University of Nottingham.


He had a close aide, Abdul Razak Baginda, who was involved in a high-profile murder case of a Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaaribuu. Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal, a private investigator hired by Abdul Razak, testified in a statutory declaration that Abdul Razak had told him that Najib had had a sexual relationship with Altantuya, introduced her to Abdul Razak, and made arrangements to protect Abdul Razak from the murder trial. All mention of Najib's involvement had been removed from Balasubramaniam's testimony under police interrogation and not brought up in the murder trial.

On 30 June, 2008 Najib denied any personal involvement in the alleged political conspiracy against former deputy premier Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, including a police report alleging Anwar committed sodomy against his former aide. He said the picture of his aide Khairil Anas Yusof with the alleged sodomy victim Saiful Bukhari Azlan at his office had been taken three months ago when the latter, in his capacity as a student leader, came to his office to seek a scholarship. However on 1 July 2008, Najib mentioned that he met Saiful at his residence a few days before the Saiful made the police report on Anwar. Najib also said that Saiful wanted to reveal that he had been sodomised by Anwar.

The Malaysian National Service, a brainchild of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, has been plagued with poor management right from its inception. As of May 2008, there have been 16 deaths in the Malaysian National Service. Najib, on two occasions within a year, has demonstrated nothing but indifference in regards to these deaths. On one occasion, he was quoted as saying that "only" 14 children have died, in an attempt to minimize the bad press being received for these deaths. When recently pressured by more calls to suspend the program due to the 16th death, Najib responded that it was not feasible to stop the program since "many parties are involved". That last statement only served to fuel more irritation amongst Malaysian parents and the public in general, and reinforced the belief that Najib is more concerned about keeping the gravy train running and awarding contracts to politically connected contractors to run the training camps, than he is about the death of children.

In many of the controversies about him, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi identified Deputy Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Razak on 6th April, 2008 as his probable successor in line with the ruling party's tradition of political succession. Because of his implied involvement in the controversial Altantuya case, where the court trial has gone through numerous irregularities and delays, this has been seen by many as disastrous to Malaysia if the succession were to materialise.

DS Anwar Ibrahim

Dato Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim (born August 10, 1947) is a former deputy prime minister and finance minister of Malaysia. Early in his career, he became a protégé of the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir bin Mohamad, but subsequently emerged as the most prominent critic of Mahathir's administration.

In 1999, he was sentenced in a highly controversial trial to six years in prison for corruption, and in 2000, to another nine years for alleged homosexual acts. However, in 2004, Malaysia's highest court, the Federal Court reversed the second conviction and he was released.

Anwar is the only Malaysian to ever make it into Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. He is also one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding.

Political future

In November 2006, Anwar announced he planned to run for Parliament in 2008, after his disqualification expired. Anwar has been critical of government policies since his release from prison, most notably of the controversial New Economic Policy (NEP), which provides affirmative action for the Malays. The policy sets a number of quotas, such as for units of housing and initial public offerings, that must be met.

He is also the Advisor of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, the party of which his wife Dr. Wan Azizah is president. He was in the forefront in organising a November 2007 mass rally, called the 2007 Bersih Rally, which took place in the Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur to demand clean and fair elections. The gathering was organised by BERSIH, a coalition comprising political parties and civil society groups, and drew supporters from all over the country.

The 2008 election date, however, was set for 8 March 2008, sparking criticisms that Barisan Nasional called for early elections in a bid to deny Anwar's plans for a return to Parliament. In response, Anwar's wife, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, declared that she would step down should she retain her Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat to force a by-election in which Anwar himself will contest.

When asked about the possibility of Anwar becoming the next Prime Minister, former leader Tun Dr. Mahathir has reacted by saying rather sarcastically, "He would make a good Prime Minister of Israel".

On 14 April 2008, Anwar celebrated his official return to the political stage, as his ban from public office expires a decade after he was sacked as deputy prime minister. One of the main reasons the opposition seized a third of parliamentary seats and five states in the worst ever showing for the Barisan Nasional coalition that has ruled for half a century, was due to him leading at the helm. A gathering of more than 1,000 supporters greeted Anwar in a rally welcoming back his return to politics. In the midst of the rally, police interrupted Anwar after he had addressed the rally for nearly two hours and called him to stop the gathering since there is no legal permission of the rally.

On April 29, 2008, and after 10 years of absence, Anwar Ibrahim returned to the Parliament, albeit upon invitation as a spouse guest of Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, People's Justice Party and the first female opposition leader in Malaysian Parliament's history.

Current developments

At 11.03pm on June 29, 2008, online news portal Malaysiakini reported that an aide of Anwar Ibrahim had lodged a police report claiming that he had been sodomised by Anwar. The news has since been updated with reports that SMS messages are being distributed claiming that the the person who made the report is Anwar's aide, Saiful Bahari, who was arrested earlier today and allegedly forced to make a false confession. The same SMS message also claimed the possibility of Anwar being arrested later today.

Anwar has since denied the allegations claiming that it was a complete fabrication and made in retaliation against him due to his recent acquisition of evidence that implicates the current Inspector General of the Police, Musa Hassan, and the Attorney General, Abdul Gani Patail, in misconduct including fabrication of evidence used against him during the 1998-1999 trials for corruption and sodomy.

On Sunday morning, June 30, Anwar moved into the compound of the Turkish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur at the invitation of the Turkish ambassador, however the Turkish Ambassador Barlas Ozener denied this and told Foreign Minister of Malaysia Dr Rais Yatim that Anwar had come on “his own accord for a visit”. Dr Rais added Malaysia was concerned that getting protection or shelter from foreign missions would become a trend for those who violated the country’s law. Anwar's wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail accused the government of orchestrating the allegations which she condemned as political murder against her husband. She produced a photograph of the aide with a staff member of Deputy Prime Minister and said it proved a link of a government conspiracy. However, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi denied it and stressed that his government is not behind the latest sodomy allegation against Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader Anwar. On the allegation by Anwar's wife where she shown the photograph taken with a staff member of Deputy Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, Najib Razak explained that the picture was taken three months ago when Mohd Saiful went to his office to apply a for government scholarship. It is not surprise that Mohd Saiful has met with other leaders, since he was student leader of UNITEN.

Anwar Ibrahim said on June 30, 2008 stated he would leave by 11 a.m. British time, and he never sought political asylum, but sought refuge there on "humanitarian grounds": "If the government gives me a categorical undertaking for my personal safety I will leave (the embassy) now." To clear his name, Ibrahim filed a lawsuit against his 23- year old male aide who accused him of sodomy, in the Kuala Lumpur High Court. Mr Anwar left the embassy after a meeting between Malaysia's Foreign Minister, Rais Yatim, and Turkish ambassador Barlas Ozener. He told the Associated Press he had made the decision to leave after the government had made "all the undertakings to assure his personal safety". He began to raise the stakes in his fight with the government by lodging a police report today against its police chief and top lawyer for faking evidence against him in a similar case a decade ago. Anwar claims he has proof that Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan and Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail concocted evidence for his corruption and sodomy trials in 1998 and 1999 which kept him imprisoned until he was freed in 2004.

Anwar on July 1, 2008 vowed before 7,000 people at Shah Alam rally in Malawati Stadium to seize power soon, mobilizing his campaign against the government amid the sodomy charge. His road shows will kick off this Sunday, with Padang Timur, Petaling Jaya as its first stop. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is also under pressure from some of his own party members The National Front to step down. Meanwhile, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar on July 2 classified the crime charged as sodomy, based on a Kuala Lumpur Hospital medical report of anal sex upon the alleged victim, Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, an aide. He was a student of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Universiti Tenaga Nasional. The incident allegedly took place at Desa Damansara condominiums, Damansara Heights. Sodomy, even if consensual, is punishable by 20 years imprisonment in Malaysia.

On July 3, 2008 in fighting the sodomy allegation, Anwar presented proof that alleges Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's involvement in the Altantuya Shaariibuu case, and called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the matter. He showed a sworn statement by murder accused Abdul Razak Baginda's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam that claimed police suppressed evidence to protect some personalities, including proof that Altantuya knew Najib.

Good day folks. May God help us in this turbulent time. wassalam.