proton oh proton...
recently a lot of malaysians are frustrated and fed up with our national car ‘Proton’ performance & sale both at domestic and international level. even its own appointed advisor, who is our former prime minister, has lost his trust in proton management. he said that at the rate proton is performing, proton is doomed to fail. we can only hope he is wrong.
some say proton’s quality and design are below par. so proton simply cannot compete with the japanese and european cars. proton does not have what it takes to beat them. not here not now. maybe proton should take a foreign partner who can teach proton a few good lessons in automobile industry i.e. what to expect and what to relax. unfortunately, proton partnership with volkswagen is not meant to be.
whatever it is, malaysians must realize that it is their billion ringgit tax-money which are used and spent to build and develop Proton from day one. our government is entrusted to invest the money in something profitable and with good returns. making loss in investments is not something we malaysian would like to hear. actually so many loss already happened. take a good look at other government investments in perwaja, bakun, cyberjaya and MAS. our government just keep spending our money to help or restructure their investments from making further loss. apparently the capital injection or help is never enough coz those investments are so sick and beyond repair already, they are bound to loss. maybe we need to do a ‘massive overhaul’ on those projects or sell them completely to any private company for good. but i guess its not that simple.
consequently when our government does not have any more money, they will impose new taxes on us in order to run this country. at the end of the day, we malaysian, who have to pay for our government silly mistakes in those investments. poor malaysians!!
maybe we have to do something unpopular to help proton. maybe we have to ban for good all foreign cars from entering Malaysia though other countries will reciprocate the same to our proton cars. so between proton and other cars in this globalize world, we are so sure now who is going to survive.
some say proton’s quality and design are below par. so proton simply cannot compete with the japanese and european cars. proton does not have what it takes to beat them. not here not now. maybe proton should take a foreign partner who can teach proton a few good lessons in automobile industry i.e. what to expect and what to relax. unfortunately, proton partnership with volkswagen is not meant to be.
whatever it is, malaysians must realize that it is their billion ringgit tax-money which are used and spent to build and develop Proton from day one. our government is entrusted to invest the money in something profitable and with good returns. making loss in investments is not something we malaysian would like to hear. actually so many loss already happened. take a good look at other government investments in perwaja, bakun, cyberjaya and MAS. our government just keep spending our money to help or restructure their investments from making further loss. apparently the capital injection or help is never enough coz those investments are so sick and beyond repair already, they are bound to loss. maybe we need to do a ‘massive overhaul’ on those projects or sell them completely to any private company for good. but i guess its not that simple.
consequently when our government does not have any more money, they will impose new taxes on us in order to run this country. at the end of the day, we malaysian, who have to pay for our government silly mistakes in those investments. poor malaysians!!
maybe we have to do something unpopular to help proton. maybe we have to ban for good all foreign cars from entering Malaysia though other countries will reciprocate the same to our proton cars. so between proton and other cars in this globalize world, we are so sure now who is going to survive.