only u yourself can solve it...
it is more than 50 years already, but the dispute and war between the palestine and israel over jerusalem is getting worst. so many attempts and so many road maps have been attempted to.. but all has failed miserably. sadly the muslims still dont get it.
to muslims and palestine people, its not about the land but its more about religion. its as simple as that. its their holy land. Aqsa Mosque must be freed from the Jews control.
to israel, jerusalem is their holy and sacred land also. Moses found the land. They wont give it back to palestine at any cost. the land itself is their religion... giving up the land is like giving up their religion. Israel has always said "forget about it, you can get it over our dead bodies". the bloody wars in the past have confirmed this.
what i want to say is that, palestine muslims cant expect non-muslims to solve the complex issue of jerusalem and their holy land. what do they expect from non-muslims like US and Israel? US road map is an illusion to delay the inevitable. only muslims can solve it. they must be united and come together to defeat israel. so Hamas and Fatah must come together. All arabs states must come together. All muslims countries must come together. then they may have a chance against Israel. Salahuddin Al Ayubi did that once.
Back in Malaysia. Malay muslims cant expect non-Malays to solve their social economic problems. please stop complaining and stop blaming other races for your own problems and poverty. what do they expect from others? Obviously the NEP has failed because of them not others. UMNO cant deliver the NEP missions. dont argue just accept that simple fact.
Malay muslims must be united to solve their own problems. malay muslims are the majority but they are acting like a minority. They are acting like a supporting actor/actress in their own film production. what a stupid drama. UMNO and PAS must work together for the sake of Malay muslims and Malaysia generally.
UMNO must be sincere, and please stop acting like you are better and superior than PAS. PAS must stop acting that they are better muslim than UMNO. they should start to learn and respect each other. they did once but UMNO and PAS betrayed each other.
the truth is, muslims must change their attitude and mindset to be better than the non-muslims. and please dont ever hope and think the non-muslims will do that for you. it will never happen in this world.